
QSI has in place a large portfolio of services, and that is continuously growing to server the largest number of Clients; this portfolio can be divided between the word of Clinical Research, the word of Management, the word of Social Responsibility and the word of Standardization of Practices.

  • QA in Clinical Research
    1. Good Clinical Practices
    2. Good Manufacturing Practices
    3. Good Laboratory Practices
    4. Pharmacovigilance
    5. Computer Systems (21 CFR)
  • Quality in Management
    1. ISO 9001:2008 QMS
    2. IWA2:2007 For Education
    3. Quality Outsourcing
    4. Quality Writing
  • Social Responsibility
    1. Best Idealistic NGO
    2. Coaching & Evaluation on ISO 26000
    3. Sociality (later on)
  • Standardization of Practices
    1. Quality in Physical Therapy
    2. Quality in NGOs (later on)


Food & Drug Safety

Coming soon


Coming soon