Auditors Initial Assessment

Name of Auditor/Consultant*
Passport Number*
Date of Birth*
Passport Expiry Date*
Country of residence
Geographical Coverage
Detailed Address *
E-mail address*
Phone Number*
Actual Occupation
Educational Background*
Family of GxP
(include GCP, GLP, GMP, 21 CFR, PV, etc.)
No Of audits
Main Therapeutic Areas
Number of years of experience as auditor
Main Phases of Audits in Clinical Research
Total Number of Audits Conducted
Language(s) in which Audits / Reports can be performed*
List of References (Pharma Companies / CROs / Biotechs / Hospitals / Warehoueses / Etc.) *
List the Major Clients you worked with *
Time needed in advance for Audit request*
Time needed to prepare a Complete Report *
Fees/day USD *
Please attach updated CV with copy of related diplomas and certifications

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